Zeto's wireless EEG machine

A Guide to EEG Basics (Electroencephalography) & Devices Used

Every machine requires some circuitry or motherboard that controls the machine’s functions and operations. Likewise, humans also possess a complex computing system inside the body: the brain. The brain’s inner workings and connections are mysterious. An intricate system of neurons link together to form the brain’s jelly-like morphology.

Advancements in medical science and inventions have improved our understanding of how the brain works. One such invention was electroencephalography, a method and device used to record and analyze the electrical activity occurring inside the brain.

While the first EEG was performed in 1924, the technology is constantly evolving. Today, modern portable EEG devices are changing the way we look at the brain.

In this EEG guide, you’ll learn what an EEG machine is, what an electroencephalography is, how the EEG system operates, and what the various devices are used for.

What is Electroencephalography (EEG)?

Electroencephalography 1, or EEG, is a procedure used to measure and record the electrical activity of the brain in the form of waves. One can monitor the neurophysiological function of the brain while the subject is performing different tasks. Various electrical abnormalities can also be detected with precision.

As we understand the brain better, our EEG technology and the way we interpret the signals of the brain continue to improve. This has led to new ways of performing EEGs, such as wireless EEG systems that allow us to continue to learn the secrets of the brain.

What is an EEG?

Our brain is composed of billions of interconnected neurons. These neurons work by generating electrical potentials in the form of neuronal impulses which travel through the brain. EEG works on the principle of measuring these electrical potentials/voltages generated inside the brain.

What is an EEG Machine?

An EEG machine measures these electrical potentials by recording the differences in voltage between various points using a pair of electrodes. Then, the recorded data is sent to an amplifier.

The amplified data is eventually digitized and displayed on the monitor of the EEG machine as a sequence of voltage values that fluctuate in time. The resulting EEG waveforms from the EEG machine are interpreted to detect signs of abnormality inside the brain.

Parts of an EEG Machine

Essentially, an EEG machine is made up of the following primary device(s):

  • Electrodes: The electrodes pick up small electrical brainwaves produced by neurons. These are attached to the scalp with a special paste. Modern EEG machines possess a wearable cap with electrodes pre-installed inside the cap.
  • Amplifiers: As the signals travel from the electrodes through the machine, they run through an amplifier that boosts the incoming signal enough to be displayed on the screen.
  • Computer Control Module: The amplified signals are processed by a computer.
  • Display Device: The processed signals are displayed on the screen to be analyzed by the operator. Before the digital monitoring methods became prevalent, waveforms were plotted with a moving pen on rolls of graph paper.3

How is an EEG performed?

An EEG test may be performed either as an outpatient study or as part of your stay in the hospital. Various EEG technology and techniques are used depending on your health condition. Generally, an EEG procedure utilizing EEG technology is done in the following way:

  • The patient is asked to relax by lying on a bed or sitting in a chair.
  • Various electrodes (between 16, 20, or more) are attached to the scalp using a special electrolyte paste, or the patient is fitted with a cap containing the electrodes.
  • The patient is then asked to close their eyes and remain still.
  • Generally, an EEG technologist performs this procedure, which may take from 20 minutes to 2 hours, not including the electrode prepping.
  • Longer brain monitoring requires the patient to be admitted to the hospital.4

Modern technology has helped make this process easier in recent years. Today, portable EEG devices offer maximum convenience without compromising the quality of the results.

For the EEG operator, this brings down prep times (it’s easy to put on and adjust, and there’s no messy glue or wires to clean up), and for the patient, this offers increased comfort (the soft support pads are gentle on the skin). 

Also known as rapid EEGs, these devices make EEG technology much more accessible, allowing more people to benefit from it. The portable EEG machine sends results to the Zeto app, allowing practitioners to access live results from anywhere. 

We’re still working hard to understand the human brain, and many mysteries remain, but with each technological improvement in EEG machines, we take a step closer to solving the puzzle of the human brain. Portable EEG machines allow us to study the brain more efficiently, offering benefits to researchers, practitioners, and patients.

What Does an EEG Measure?

At its most basic, an EEG measures brainwaves. Electrical signals generated by the brain are displayed on the screen in the form of waves that vary in amplitude, phase, and frequency.

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and other signal processing techniques convert the incoming signals measured by the EEG  into useful information that can aid diagnosis. Brainwaves are categorized into four main types based on frequency: Infra-low, Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma.

Each brainwave is associated with particular functions of the brain. The following paragraphs discuss the various important functions of the brain in correlation with the types of brainwaves.

Delta Waves (frequency ranging from 0.5 Hz to 3 Hz)

Delta waves are slow but loud brainwaves (like the deeply penetrating waves of a drum beat). They are generated during dreamless sleep. Delta waves are intermittent with sleep spindles and sharp waves. When delta waves synchronize between distant cortical areas, they often trigger sharp waves that are considered to be relevant for memory consolidation. 6

Theta Waves (frequency ranging from 3 Hz to 7 Hz)

Theta waves mostly occur during REM sleep. They derive from deep subcortical sources, making them mostly undetectable with an EEG machine. The predominant occurrence of theta is pathological. Normal theta waves are known to be involved in learning and memory. In theta state, we experience dreams comprising vivid imageries and intuitions. 7

Alpha Waves (frequency ranging from 7 Hz to 13 Hz)

Alpha waves occur when the person is in a relaxed, lucid, or calm state. These are mostly found in the occipital and posterior regions of the brain. Whenever someone is asked to close his/her eyes and then relax, the brain is disengaged from any complex cognitive tasks or thinking, and alpha waves are induced. 8

Beta Waves (frequency ranging from 14 Hz to about 38 Hz)

Beta waves refer to the alert, attentive, and conscious state of mind. These are of low amplitude and are also associated with motor decisions. Beta waves are further subdivided into:

  • Low-Beta Waves (Beta1, 12-15 Hz): occur while musing
  • Mid-Beta Waves (Beta2, 15-22 Hz): occur while engaging intensely in something or actively figuring something out.
  • High-Beta Waves (Beta3, 22-38 Hz): occur during complex thoughts and integration of new experiences. Also related to severe anxiety or excitement. 9

Gamma Waves (frequency ranging from 38 Hz to 120 Hz)

These are the fastest of all the brainwaves with the highest frequency and smallest amplitude. Because of the small amplitude and high frequency, they are often contaminated by electrical noise or muscle artifacts.

If gamma waves are captured and measured by EEG, they inform us about information processing in the brain.10 The synchrony of gamma waves between different parts of the brain reflects information exchange between those areas. Gamma waves still remain a mystery as these waves orchestrate the synchronized activity of neurons.

  • Low-Gamma Waves (38-60 Hz): Active attentive behavior and cognitive tasks
  • High-Gamma Waves (60-120 Hz): Their function is not quite clear, but the predominant occurrence is regarded as diagnostic of epilepsy.

What Does an EEG Test Diagnose?

EEG technology is currently used to diagnose and help treat brain-related disorders.

  • EEG is the most powerful and preferred diagnostic procedure for epilepsy.13
  • EEG is very helpful in diagnosing sleep disorders such as insomnias, parasomnias, etc.14
  • EEG has valuable diagnostic potential for other neurological conditions such as Stroke, Autism, Depression, and ADHD, to name a few.
  • EEG is turning out to be the tool for the next generation of Brain-Computer Interfaces and Neural Prosthetics
  • EEG can be used to track attention during several activities, to help design strategies to reduce stress and improve focus.15
  • EEG has been introduced as a new tool for Neuromarketing studies to help objectively identify participants’ responses.

And the list is growing…

The Bottom Line

The invention of the EEG system opened a new window of learning about the brain. With the EEG system to guide them, neurologists have been able to successfully treat seizures, epilepsy, sleep disorders, and other neurological issues.

As EEG becomes simpler, easier to acquire and interpret, and wireless, even more can be achieved. With new advancements in electronics, cloud computing, and machine learning, it is just a question of how soon.

The future of EEG is bright. Consequently, the advancements in our understanding of the brain cannot be more exciting. Learn more about wet vs. dry EEG tests here.


1. Electroencephalogram (EEG) | Johns Hopkins Medicine. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/electroencephalogram-eeg.

2. Introduction – Electroencephalography (EEG): An Introductory Text and Atlas of Normal and Abnormal Findings in Adults, Children, and Infants – NCBI Bookshelf. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK390346/.

3. Wang, C. S. Design of a 32-channel EEG system for brain control interface applications. J. Biomed. Biotechnol. 2012, (2012).

4. Light, G. A. et al. Electroencephalography (EEG) and event-related potentials (ERPs) with human participants. Current Protocols in Neuroscience vol. CHAPTER Unit (2010).

5. Watson, B. O. Cognitive and physiologic impacts of the infraslow oscillation. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience vol. 12 44 (2018).

6. Harmony, T. The functional significance of delta oscillations in cognitive processing. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience vol. 7 (2013).

7. Zhang, H. & Jacobs, J. Traveling theta waves in the human hippocampus. J. Neurosci. 35, 12477-12487 (2015).

8. Klimesch, W. Alpha-band oscillations, attention, and controlled access to stored information. Trends in Cognitive Sciences vol. 16 606-617 (2012).

9. Beta Wave – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/beta-wave.

10. Gamma Wave – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/gamma-wave.

11. Michal T. Kucewicz, Brent M. Berry, Vaclav Kremen, Benjamin H. Brinkmann, Michael R. Sperling, Barbara C. Jobst, Robert E. Gross, Bradley Lega, Sameer A. Sheth, Joel M. Stein, Sandthitsu R. Das, Richard Gorniak, S. Matthew Stead, Daniel S. Rizzuto, Michael J. Kahana, Gregory A. Worrell, Dissecting gamma frequency activity during human memory processing, Brain , Volume 140, Issue 5, May 2017, Pages 1337-1350, https://doi.org/10.1093/brain/awx043

12. Ren, L., Kucewicz, M. T., Cimbalnik, J., Matsumoto, J. Y., Brinkmann, B. H., Hu, W., Marsh, W. R., Meyer, F. B., Stead, S. M., & Worrell, G. A. (2015). Gamma oscillations precede interictal epileptiform spikes in the seizure onset zone. Neurology , 84 (6), 602-608. https://doi.org/10.1212/WNL.0000000000001234

13. Smith, S. J. M. EEG in the diagnosis, classification, and management of patients with epilepsy. Neurology in Practice vol. 76 2-7 (2005).

14. Tan, D. E. B., Tung, R. S., Leong, W. Y. & Than, J. C. M. Sleep disorder detection and identification. in Procedia Engineering vol. 41 289-295 (Elsevier Ltd, 2012).

15. Thompson, T., Steffert, T., Ros, T., Leach, J. & Gruzelier, J. EEG applications for sport and performance. Methods 45 , 279-288 (2008).

Wireless EEG for Fast Prep and Easy Use: Q&A with Aswin Gunasekar, CEO of Zeto

Electroencephalography (EEG) devices are incredibly helpful in diagnosing and monitoring certain brain disorders, such as epilepsy and strokes. However, they are not particularly user-friendly or convenient, with specialized technicians performing time consuming procedures, such as skin preparation, to get patients ready to undergo the procedure. A combination of messy gels and wires also makes for an uncomfortable and inconvenient experience for patients.

Woman wearing Zeto's wireless EEG machine

In response, Zeto Inc., a medtech startup based in California, has developed a new EEG device that sits on the head like a bicycle helmet. The headset does not require gels or pastes to function, and can transmit data wirelessly. The company claims that the new system can reduce setup times from the current 20-30 minutes required with conventional systems to just five minutes, potentially making the Zeto device very useful in emergency situations. Best of all, the headset does not require a specialized technician for setup and use, and so could be quickly applied by nursing staff or other clinicians.    

The device is currently being trialed at Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare in Memphis, Tennessee, to see how it compares with traditional EEG equipment in a clinical setting.

Here’s a video intro from Zeto Inc. about the company’s technology:

Medgadget had the opportunity to talk to Aswin Gunasekar, Founder and CEO of Zeto Inc., about the technology:

Conn Hastings, MedgadgetPlease give us an overview of conventional EEG devices, and their limitations.

Aswin Gunasekar, Zeto: Conventional EEG devices require a trained EEG technologist to measure the head, mark electrode locations, abrade the skin, and apply paste and electrodes to the scalp, eventually tethering the patient to a box with wires. This procedure consumes time, requires technologists who need to be perpetually on-call, and puts the patients through a needlessly poor experience. The scarcity of EEG technologists makes the problem worse, and even unfeasible in many hospitals, emergency rooms and other outpatient settings. Essential features such as easy data access and remote interpretation remain unavailable for conventional EEG devices.

Zeto's wireless EEG machine

MedgadgetHow does the new device developed by Zeto compare with conventional EEG in terms of speed and ease of use?

Aswin Gunasekar: Zeto’s Instant EEG Platform (zEEG) provides the first FDA cleared zero-prep, wireless, dry electrode headset that can be used to perform a routine or urgent EEG anywhere without the need for a trained expert. The device is quickly and easily placed on the patient’s head much like a bicycle helmet. Data are streamed via a HIPAA compliant cloud platform that provides live viewing, tools for analysis and optional remote interpretation by neurologists. Time to interpretable EEG is typically 5 minutes with built-in positioning as per the international 10-20 EEG system. Total overhead time for set up and patient clean up with the Zeto headset is typically under 10 mins compared to over 45 minutes with conventional EEG.

MedgadgetGiven the current pandemic, how does the Zeto EEG device help with reducing the potential for viral transmission?

Aswin Gunasekar: Due to the convenience and simplicity of Zeto’s EEG technology, PPE and exposure time for healthcare workers is reduced significantly. The headset utilizes single-use, disposable electrodes and an optional liner which reduces contact between the patient and the reusable headset, reducing the risk of contamination. Zeto has not yet performed studies on reducing viral transmission. However, the faster setup, zero patient clean up and the ability to monitor the recording with live video from outside the room helps reduce exposure of staff. 

MedgadgetWhat types of mobile devices are compatible with the Zeto EEG device? Is the mobile interface easy to use?

Aswin Gunasekar: Most laptops, desktops and mobile devices capable of running the latest version of Google Chrome web-browser are compatible with the Zeto EEG device. Users of zEEG devices are provided with web-based access, an EEG study manager, video review, annotation features, time-frequency analysis, report generator, analytics and automated software upgrades. The mobile interface – as well as that of laptops and desktops – is simple, intuitive and easy-to-navigate.

MedgadgetHow are data transmitted and how do you deal with data security?

Aswin Gunasekar: The security of our customer and patient data is of foremost importance to us. Zeto employs Design, Technical, Physical and Compliance controls to ensure the integrity and availability of the data on our platform. Data are transmitted with industry-standard AES encryption on the move and at rest. Data access is controlled through strict authentication and authorization protocols. The Zeto Cloud Platform is compliant to HIPAA rules, FDA 21CFR820 cybersecurity requirements and NIST SP800-53 Cybersecurity controls, and all Zeto personnel are HIPAA trained. 

MedgadgetPlease give us an overview of the current trial of the device at Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare in Memphis, Tennessee.

Aswin Gunasekar: Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare is the very first hospital system globally to participate in the ongoing trial that compares the capabilities and benefits of Zeto’s EEG technology against traditional EEGs. The trial conducts 3 phases, namely 1) Inpatient (ICU) EEG for detecting subclinical seizures and status epilepticus, 2) Outpatient EEG with trained EEG technologists and 3) Outpatient EEG with staff who are not certified technologists. The current trial could result in a clinical breakthrough that transforms how we approach EEGs in the future. 

Source – https://www.medgadget.com/2020/09/wireless-eeg-for-reduced-prep-time-and-non-specialist-use-interview-with-aswin-gunasekar-ceo-of-zeto.html

HealthTech Arkansas names five early-stage companies for latest cohort

HealthTech Arkansas announced the five early-stage companies selected for the 2020 HealthTech Arkansas healthcare accelerator.

The accelerator is supported by 11 Arkansas healthcare organizations, including Arkansas Children’s Hospital, Arkansas Heart Hospital, Arkansas Urology, Baptist Health, CHI St. Vincent, Conway Regional Health System, Mercy, OrthoArkansas, St. Bernards Healthcare, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, and Washington Regional Medical Center.

Representatives from each of the 11 healthcare providers interviewed applicants and selected companies with technologies that have the potential to advance innovation at their respective organizations. The five companies were selected from hundreds of applicants across 14 different countries and are headquartered across the country in California, Utah, and Pennsylvania.

The five companies are:

Astarte Medical, Yardly, Pa.
Astarte Medical is a precision nutrition company using software and predictive analytics to improve outcomes during the first 1,000 days of life. With an initial focus on preterm infants, Astarte Medical supports feeding protocols, practice, and decision-making in the neonatal ICU with a suite of digital tools and diagnostics designed to standardize feeding, optimize nutrition and quantify gut health.

nView Medical, Salt Lake City, Utah
The nView_s1 is an imaging system that provides instant 3D images in the OR with minimal radiation. Like a C-arm, the nView_s1 images from a stationary single position. Unlike a C-arm, novel AI reconstruction techniques allow it to provide 3D images.

Raydiant Oximetry, San Ramon, Calif.
Raydiant Oximetry has developed a non-invasive fetal pulse oximeter to directly monitor a fetus’s blood oxygen saturation during labor and delivery and provide the key missing vital sign that clinicians need to more accurately assess the baby’s health during childbirth.

Vena Vitals, Irvine, Calif.
Vena Vitals, Inc. is re-innovating the way blood pressure is monitored by using soft stretchable sensors that can conform to the body and accurately measure arterial pulse. Their technology provides the benefits of continuous, beat-to-beat blood pressure measurements, but in a non-invasive way.

Zeto, Santa Clara, Calif.
Zeto has taken a significant step towards simplifying EEG. The Zeto product is the first and only dry electrode EEG headset and cloud platform cleared by the FDA for clinical use.

“Our provider partners around the state are excited to introduce the new cohort companies to their teams and launch pilot programs that can make a difference in patient care,” said Jeff Stinson, director of HealthTech Arkansas. “We’ve expanded the applicant pool and the number of providers in our coalition in each of the three years at HealthTech Arkansas. The guaranteed pilot projects and clinical studies from our providers around the state are what differentiates us from any other program in the country.”

The cohort will participate in a program that provides them the opportunity to pilot solutions specifically identified by the 11 participating Arkansas healthcare groups as areas of opportunity within their organizations.

HealthTech Arkansas is a third-year accelerator program focused exclusively on provider engagement with early-stage companies and works with both Arkansas-based and out-of-state companies. The Arkansas Economic Development Commission awarded a grant to HealthTech Arkansas through a program designed to increase acceleration activities in targeted industries in the state.

Source – https://talkbusiness.net/2020/09/healthtech-arkansas-names-five-early-stage-companies-for-latest-cohort/

New study tests “first-of-its-kind” EEG device

A press release states that EEG (electroencephalogram) tests are conducted to detect problems in the brain that may be associated with certain brain disorders such as seizures, tumors or strokes. A typical EEG test consists of multiple electrodes attached to a patient’s scalp with adhesive. Those electrodes have several wires connected to an amplifier which further connects to a computer that measures and records the results.

The setup and removal of a typical EEG test takes between 20–30 minutes. This new US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved product, called zEEG from Zeto, (headquartered in Santa Clara, USA), can be set up in less than five minutes; which offers a more efficient and comfortable experience for the patient.

The patient wears equipment that looks like a high-tech bicycle helmet. The electrodes do not need to be glued to the patient’s scalp, do not leave any residue on the patient and there are no wires connected to an amplifier or computer.

An EEG technician at Methodist University can now be more productive and perform more EEGs in a day. The EEG and video recording are uploaded to the cloud where a specialist can read them at their own convenience.

The ZETO Instant EEG has been beneficial in the midst of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the convenience of this EEG technology, personal protective equipment (PPE) and exposure time for healthcare workers is reduced significantly. Fast setup and clean up decrease the exposure times for nurses and other care providers. The ZETO Instant EEG uses single-use electrodes which also reduces the risk of contamination.

Source – https://neuronewsinternational.com/new-eeg-device/

Methodist University Hospital Is First In The World To Participate In Groundbreaking EEG Study For Inpatients That Improves Brain Monitoring During the COVID-19 Crisis

MEMPHIS, Tenn., Aug. 4, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare (MLH) is the first hospital system globally to participate in a landmark study using a first-of-its-kind EEG device.

EEG stands for electroencephalogram. EEG tests are conducted to detect problems in the brain that may be associated with certain brain disorders such as seizures, tumors or strokes. A typical EEG test consists of multiple electrodes attached to a patient’s scalp with adhesive. Those electrodes have several wires connected to an amplifier which further connects to a computer that measures and records the results.

The setup and removal of a typical EEG test takes between 20-30 minutes. This new FDA-approved product, called zEEG from Zeto, Inc., headquartered in Santa Clara, CA, can be set up in less than five minutes; which offers a more efficient and comfortable experience for the patient.

The patient wears equipment that looks like a high-tech bicycle helmet. The electrodes do not need to be glued to the patient’s scalp, do not leave any residue on the patient and there are no wires connected to an amplifier or computer.

An EEG technician at Methodist University can now be more productive and perform more EEGs in a day. The EEG and video recording are uploaded to the cloud where a specialist can read them at their own convenience.

The ZETO Instant EEG has been beneficial in the midst of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the convenience of this EEG technology, PPE and exposure time for healthcare workers is reduced significantly. Fast setup and clean up decrease the exposure times for nurses and other care providers. The ZETO Instant EEG uses single-use electrodes which also reduces the risk of contamination.

About Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare

Based in Memphis, Tennessee, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare (MLH) has been caring for patients and families regardless of ability to pay for more than 100 years. Guided by roots in the United Methodist Church and founded in 1918 to help meet the growing need for quality healthcare in the greater Memphis area, MLH has grown from one hospital into a comprehensive healthcare system with 13,000 Associates supporting six hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, outpatient facilities, hospice residence and physician practices serving communities across the Mid-South. From transplants and advanced heart procedures to expert neurology services and compassionate cancer care, MLH offers clinical expertise with a focus on improving every life we touch.

Source – https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/methodist-university-hospital-is-first-in-the-world-to-participate-in-groundbreaking-eeg-study-for-inpatients-that-improves-brain-monitoring-during-the-covid-19-crisis-301104852.html

Zeto Raises Series A Funding to Accelerate Commercialization Efforts of its Easy Use Electroencephalography (EEG) Headset and Software Platform

SANTA CLARA, Calif., March 10, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Zeto, Inc., a privately held medical technology company that is transforming the Electroencephalography (EEG) experience for healthcare, today announced that it has raised $7.3 million in Series A financing led by Seraph Group and joined by Aphelion Capital, SV Tech Ventures and Shangbay Capital. Zeto raised $4 million previously in dilutive and non-dilutive funding. The new capital will be used to accelerate commercialization of its lead product, the zEEG headset and software platform, and develop new products to expand its portfolio. zEEG is the first true dry electrode EEG headset to be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for clinical use.

“Since our commercial launch a few months ago, we added several customers who love the product and are utilizing it at high rates. We are glad to validate the strong product-market fit for zEEG. Inspired by the demand, we are excited to expand our commercial team and production capacity to serve our growing customer base,” said Aswin Gunasekar, MS, MBA, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Zeto. “Our goal is to provide the most seamless and intelligent EEG experience for any clinical need. Current products are far behind what users need and Zeto is building a suite of convenient and intuitive products to eliminate the most time consuming and labor-intensive activities involved in traditional EEG. As a subsequent step, we plan to utilize artificial intelligence to not only supplement the reading physician with analytics and insight but also expand the diagnostic utility of EEG worldwide in areas of medicine where it has been underutilized.”

Zeto’s customer, Wave Neuroscience, Inc., said, “Our extensive intellectual property portfolio and business operations are built on award winning science and medical innovation. For us to achieve the high level of results we are committed to, we rely on partners that never rest in their quest to achieve the highest standards. Accessing an FDA compliant EEG device that performs at an uncompromising standard, allows for increased throughput and provides a user experience that rivals the latest technology assets, was very attractive to us. Zeto transformed the way we think about EEG capture by advancing technology further in the past two years than the industry had in the prior three or four decades. Zeto provides us the confidence, convenience and data quality that we rely on, day in and day out.”

“We believe a new era is around the corner when researchers can accelerate our understanding of the brain with this breakthrough device and software platform. It not only makes commercial sense, but also can serve as the infrastructure and library for neurological knowledge that leads to better diagnosis and treatment of brain disorders,” said Tuff Yen, CEO of Seraph Group, the lead investor.

“We are passionate about brainwaves, consider it a privilege to serve our customers and are committed to bringing great advancements for neurological care,” adds Aswin Gunasekar.

Source – https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/zeto-raises-series-a-funding-to-accelerate-commercialization-efforts-of-its-easy-use-electroencephalography-eeg-headset-and-software-platform-301020172.html

ZETO: Sensing Improvement in Neurological Data Processing

EEG is the gold standard for observing and characterizing neural activity, but patients are subject to lengthy and uncomfortable preparation for scans, and interpretation is subjective to the physician who reads it. Zeto has introduced a device designed for patient comfort and simple setup, which uses “active” dry electrodes capable of picking up cerebral activity with high digital resolution and less noise.

In Greek, the word zeto means “to live.” By that token, neural monitoring start-up Zeto Inc. was brought to life from the seed of a business school idea, with hopes of improving countless lives. Zeto’s CEO Aswin Gunasekar was in business school at the University of Texas, Austin, when he took an interest in epilepsy diagnosis after watching a family member battle the condition. Quickly realizing that the electroencephalogram (EEG), the gold standard for monitoring neural activity, has had few updates since its invention early in the 20th century, innovation was an immediate priority for Gunasekar.

Current EEG systems are uncomfortable for patients, inefficient due to their lengthy setup, and variably interpretable in their output. Leveraging years of experience as an electrical engineer developing microprocessors, Gunasekar conceived of a business plan for an easy-to-use EEG testing alternative, which helped his MBA team win the venture creation class’ competition in 2013.

Gunasekar continued to develop it as he moved to Silicon Valley to work for PwC. During this period, his idea shifted from a patient-use home monitoring device to a professional, clinical, medical device. As it is today, the Zeto solution incorporates feedback from several hundred patients, neurologists, and EEG technologists to ensure its practicality in addressing the biggest pain points of those who use it most frequently.

Traditional EEG is used to observe seizures and diagnose epilepsy, sleep disorders, autism, stroke, concussion, and more. Testing involves the placement of 20 electrodes on the scalp, abrading the surface of the skin to lower impedance and using viscous gel to improve conductivity in order to boost the signal detected. The process requires a specially trained technologist and can take up to two hours to yield just 30 minutes’ worth of test results, the rest of the time lost to preparation, adjustment and clean up. The signal, once recorded, is highly intricate with many discrete elements that are challenging to translate into useful information.

Current EEG systems are inherently expensive to operate and maintain with such cost drivers as the time consumed, labor, equipment, consumables, maintaining the digital infrastructure to allow remote access for physicians as well as storage and archiving of patient recordings. Consequently, additional expenditure is incurred for IT personnel, third-party software, and data retrieval. According to Gunasekar, the broken EEG value chain has led to underutilization of EEGs in most US hospitals and unavailability in many rural, emergency, and international settings.

Finally, there is also a high degree of subjectivity between readers of EEG output. Signals are often manually annotated in various formats, with the data largely unstructured and not machine learnable.

“Today, the burden of obtaining a good signal is completely on the EEG technologist,” Gunasekar says. The placement of the sensors, as well as the mitigation of peripheral electrical activity that clouds the brain signal

with noise, requires training and experience to perfect. Precision placement is also a priority, as the goal is to capture neuronal activity at precise regions of the brain.

With Zeto’s device, a headset that resembles a bicycle helmet, much of the finessing required with traditional

EEG systems is eliminated. The sensors, designed for patient comfort, are mounted on a semi-rigid but adjustable frame, positionableto precise locations and calibrated to work dry (sans coupling gel), with no skin preparation, through all types of hair. In addition to EEG, Zeto’s patent pending hardware contains an added ECG sensor as well as video and auxiliary inputs for comprehensive monitoringcapability. Three clinical evaluations across 50 patients and the FDA clearance have so far validated that the device is at least

as effective as standard EEG systems with a more patient-friendly design and proprietary techniques for signal enhancement. The latter includes

Active Electrode Technology, which preamplifies and conditions the neural signal at the source, and Dynamic

Noise Cancellation, which detects and removes noise in real time, as audio headphones with a similar purpose do. Zeto’s revolutionary hardware connects to its intuitive cloud software that enables a secure, evolving AI engine with machine learning capability (currently in development), which will allow it to improve continuously through use as it gains experience. First, the data are standardized into a functional, searchable format, then are processed by the software to generate autonomous reports and assistance to give new insights to the attending doctor. By bringing to market arguably the most significant advancement to EEG technology since its inception, Gunasekar is aiming to not only disrupt the market, but lead it.

“We want to aid physicians tremendously with the EEG diagnostic for the future,” says Gunasekar. In line with this pursuit, Zeto is offering EEG interpretation services by board-certified neurologists to bridge any gap in knowledge when examining a particular scan. The combination of human expertise and tireless machine assistance will maximize the potential for meaningful analysis, overcoming the complexity and subtlety of neural signals. This new approach, for example, can guide attention to an area of the brain with particularly relevant activity, and search for similar patterns and connectedness to other regions across extended periods. That may lead to a more thorough understanding of neurological interaction and afflictions.

Zeto is introducing the first EEG headset backed by a cloud system to be cleared by the FDA for clinical use,

according to Gunasekar, who notes that the company is currently preparing for a CE mark. Zeto’s revenues will come from a capital equipment or subscription model, considering the pay-as-you-go nature for cloud connection and support. All of the company’s manufacturing is completed in-house, with production capacity capable of exceeding a few hundred units per month.

Gunasekar notes that both thought leaders and marketing partners will be engaged to help push Zeto to the forefront of the conversation among hospitals and clinics. The ease of its use allows for a demonstration that proves the product’s effectiveness in minutes, underscoring the intuitiveness of the headset, and serving as an instant visual representation of its increased efficiency and comfort over traditional EEG solutions.

With over 20 million clinical EEG procedures performed each year globally, Zeto’s initial target application of

short-term routine scans represents a $1.5 billion market, while follow-on products will address a $4 billion longterm EEG sector, and eventually a $10 billion future market that can positively impact autism, stroke, and concussion.

By Gunasekar’s assessment, Zeto’s 19-person close-knit team is its engine of innovation. “We have an incredibly passionate team that is locked in on transforming this space,” he says, “but we will really be smiling once our product has made this important medical test available to millions of people in

the world who need it.” The company is currently in an A round of financing, seeking $12 million, to fund its imminent commercial launch with an oversubscribed order pipeline for 2019.

Source – MedTech Strategist

The Next-Gen Electroencephalography – Zeto

Zeto is a medical technology startup transforming the way EEG (Electroencephalography) is done at hospitals. They are solving a problem that has remained unsolved since EEG was invented in 1924, that is, an archaic, tedious approach that consumes time, requires a trained technician and puts the patient through a poor experience. This FDA approved wireless device is zero-prep, easy to wear headset with dry electrodes backed by a digital platform that offers instant upload, tools for analysis and remote interpretation by neurologists. Ena Sarkar meets the team and learns about this big disrupt in healthcare that opens new significant opportunities for conditions such as Epilepsy, Stroke, Concussion and Sleep disorders.

Read case studies from Dr. Virginia Thornley and Joe Charles of JLC Services to learn more about our EEG headset’s applications. Visit our FAQ page for more on Zeto’s next gen EEG headset.

Zeto Announces First Dry Electrode, Wireless EEG Headset Approved by FDA for Clinical Use

Zeto EEG provides a better, more convenient EEG testing experience to patients and technicians and faster turnaround time to hospitals than current technology

SANTA CLARA, Calif., May 29, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Zeto, Inc., a privately held medical technology company transforming the way electroencephalography (EEG) is done at hospitals, today announced that it has received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its dry electrode EEG headset, called zEEG, for use in the clinical setting. The zEEG is the first FDA approved dry electrode EEG headset backed by a cloud platform that offers instant upload, tools for analysis and remote interpretation by neurologists.

“EEG is a critically important test for evaluation of patients with seizures or unexplained confusion that might be due to subtle seizures. Unfortunately, EEG technology has not evolved much since its inception almost 100 years ago, leaving EEG underutilized for neurological conditions,” said Robert S. Fisher, M.D., Ph.D., Director of the Stanford Epilepsy Center and former President of the American Epilepsy Society. “The zEEG technology will allow diagnosis and testing in hospitals and clinics that could not previously perform EEGs. This will be a very significant advance.”

“With the approval of zEEG, healthcare professionals and patients now have access to an EEG system that provides a simple, easy and convenient experience with the benefit of quick and smart analysis of data through our cloud platform,” said Aswin Gunasekar, MS, MBA, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Zeto, Inc. “Our goal was to find a technology that would not only democratize access to EEG with a seamless platform but also unlock the potential of AI, opening up significant opportunities for conditions such as epilepsy, stroke, concussion and sleep disorders. We are proud to have developed a solution that presents a paradigm shift for EEG.”

A clinical study demonstrated that the zEEG headset provided EEG signal quality that was comparable to an approved, traditional EEG system. 30 patients in two study cohorts (EEG patients and healthy volunteers) were studied for specific time periods (up to 2 hours), and the zEEG was found to perform at least as well as the reference device based on predefined acceptance criteria. Study results will be published in the coming months.

“This approval is particularly meaningful to the Epilepsy Foundation, since the zEEG system was selected as the winner of the 2016 Epilepsy Foundation Shark Tank and was also awarded a New Therapy Commercialization Investment in 2017,” said Jacqueline French MD, Chief Scientific Officer of the Epilepsy Foundation and Professor of Neurology, NYU Langone Health’s Comprehensive Epilepsy Center. “We saw a great potential for the electroencephalogram, an old diagnostic technique, to take a great leap into the modern age, making it more accessible for diagnosis of epilepsy.”

The FDA approved the Zeto EEG system in April 2018. Zeto plans to continue working with leading hospital beta customers in preparation for a commercial launch later in the year.

About Zeto, Inc.

Zeto, Inc. is a privately held medical technology company located in Santa Clara, CA focused on transforming the way electroencephalography (EEG) is done at hospitals. Zeto’s revolutionary platform brings the traditional EEG procedure to the 21st century by offering zEEG, a zero-prep, wireless, easy-to-wear headset with 19 dry electrodes that can be positioned as per the 10-20 EEG system, backed by a cloud platform that offers instant upload, tools for analysis and remote interpretation by neurologists. The company plans to leverage its platform technology to improve access and affordability to brain wave testing and achieve better outcomes for neurological conditions such as epilepsy, stroke, concussion and sleep disorders, among others.

Source – https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/zeto-announces-first-dry-electrode-wireless-eeg-headset-approved-by-fda-for-clinical-use-300655286.html